I am so unsure about
who to vote for this year... I go through this every election!
It's so hard for me to tell who is telling the truth and who is giving lip service. Watching debates doesn't help, because the issues aren't really addressed, it's just basically a time for politics to trash
each other.
Here's what I have gathered about Obama:
He might bring about the change we need, especially in the Education department! He could probably figure out a way to get
the schools more money. And he would start the beginnings of public health care. (My brother has been living with a hernia for over two years because he can't afford insurance or surgery!) On the other hand, I am not sure of his loyalties!!! Is he really that loyal to America? And can I really trust what he says? He is so Charismatic, that I can't believe half of what comes out of his mouth. I also worry that he doesn't have enough experience in politics (which could actually be a good thing)
John McCain. I know I can trust his loyalties, he is American, through and through. But is he loyal to the American people, or to the way the system is now? I worry about the schools under his presidency, that things would remain as they have under the Bush administration. I also worry that his age will keep him from being connected with the younger Americans. I also worry about relationships between America and other countries under his leadership!
I am so undecided right now, I just don't know what to do! Maybe I'll just pray.